Olentangy River Wetland: Funding

Research at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park tower has been funded through the following grants:

Ohio Water Development Authority (6560), Observations and modeling of wetland methane emissions, 2013–2015

National Science Foundation—Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET-1033451), Collaborative research: greenhouse gas balance of temperate urban wetlands, 2010–2015

US Geological Survey (G11AP20099) (through Ohio Water Resources Center, 2012OH259B), Green-house-gas budget of constructed wetlands: understanding the sources to maximize benefits, 2012–2014

US Geological Survey (G11AP20099) (through Ohio Water Resources Center, 2011OH205B), The constructed wetland dilemma: nitrogen removal at the expense of methane generation?, 2011–2014